Persuasive/Radical Game Drafts

1 min readMar 31, 2021

I have three ideas to create a value based game, the first is more traditional but I the latter two are more experimental. The first game is an RPG (maker) about a group of people fighting for their country’s liberation from colonial rule. Organize and fight to achieve freedom. There would be a heavy stance on narrative as the player and his party deals with the fallout of being revolutionaries. As they try to free their country, you experience the impact of colonialism on the culture of the people. The ending would be about choices you made along the way. This would be loosely based off of my home country’s history in the subject matter at had.

The second idea is a game about how to stave off depression, not through huge, narrative story but instead through establishing routines. Mechanics wise it would be similar to the sims but it would be aimed to make the player understand the little steps in life can help maintain your mental health. Certain events will occur that will affect the player and it will change how certain activities used to affect them. Lastly is a platformer where you play as a salary man who is trying to climb up to the top of the building. To do so there will be obstacles in their way, may that be people or objects. The people or objects are not hostile but none the less obstacles. A pacifist run is harder but you get a different ending than using others as a literal latter to success.

